Quality, Health, Safety, Security & Environment
QHSSE Objectives
Aspiration to become the safest operator within the region by providing and sustaining injury-free and healthy working environment to our employees and contractors
Employment of trained, qualified, competent and committed personnel.
Persistent instillation of a corporate safety culture through rigorous implementation of our company policies and procedures, and with this consistent elimination and mitigation of risk
Provision of working environment where our employees are free to speak up their safety concerns and stop any unsafe/unhealthy activities
Maximization of our efforts in eliminating and/or recycling waste streams generated by the company activities
Monitoring our wastes, resources consumption and pollutants emission or discharge, and open reporting on our environmental performance
Meeting and consistently exceeding expectations of our clients by providing quality and reliable service
who we are
Our Advantages
what we do
Our Services

We are apply rigorous selection standards for every VLCC we operate, to make sure each unit meets our standards.

We have been successful in bringing LNG, today’s most environmental friendly fossil fuel, to places where previously natural gas was not available.

At UK-OMS Shipping LLC., we leverage extensive base of acknowledgment to offer valuable services in the area of oil & gas products shipping and trading.